I'm looking to finish up a portfolio piece and I'm trying to make a Marmoset Viewer Export.
I seem to be having 2 issues.
1. The Marmoset Viewer file/render comes out as very shiny.
2. The resulting file/render seems to lack most of the look of the lighting I've set up in Marmoset.
I got a warning that Omni lights would not export, so I've changed every VISIBLE light to non-Omni. Problems persist.
I got a warning that only 3 lights would cast shadows (as seen in image). Even when I drop to 3 lights these problems persist similarly.
Here are my current options. I've tried with and without lossless normals. No difference I can see.
Marmo scene(above) pre-viewer export. Resulting shiny? or glossy? viewer render(below). Lights also seem very weak.
In the meantime, if you have a license, Toolbag 3 provides a more accurate target for Viewer export.