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Painter - Defualt Blending Modes?

polycounter lvl 10
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StormyBA polycounter lvl 10
Is it possible to set defualt blending modes in painter so when I create new layers or add materials everything is set to "Normal" for example. 

For context I'm doing a lot of work currenty with pre-built materials such as sand, stone, dirt etc etc, they all have their own Normal, AO, Height and other maps. As these materials are pulled in, worked with, grouped the blending modes for the AO, Normal + Height are all set to blending modes which combine / multiply with the layers below. This means I'm spending a bunch of time going through all of the map channels to set them to Normal and stop the blending. 

I'd rather bring in these materials and when applied all of the blend options are pre-set to normal and If I want to do a more bispoke blend for some reason I can make that choice when the situation calls for it. 

Can this be done? 


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