Hello all! I'm struggling with what my portfolio is missing in order to get picked up my a studio asap. I have a few ideas but would appreciate a second thought from other wonderful people!
https://www.artstation.com/apologiseAs it stands, I see it as a mediocre portfolio. There was a few cuts as of recent as they were not good for looks. I'm going to be getting rid of the skyrim environment as well, this was something I jumped on after deferring for a year at university. First 3 months of remembering workflows, how to be an artist again etc. So thats something that can go, its very poor work, bad lighting, bad composition, poor modelling and texturing. But to me its a good progress report to myself. I think I could quite easily swap it out with a minor environment...
I have a couple of ideas id like to shoot your way... One idea is to have a trim sheet sculpt dump. Just a few (4/5) trimsheet sculpts of various stone, wood, walls, pebble floor etc.
A minor environment, could be a back alley, tri wall exterior environment or a full interior environment... just to show some advanced practices of vetex painting, trims, detailed props, composition and ambience.
A hero prop, this could be anything, completely open to ideas.
A material collage with a diorama of 3/4 assets with them being utilised? Eg, floor material, wall material(s) vertex painted to show them working together, and maybe a wood material?
Open to anything else or just general critiques of the work there.
Thank you in advance!
I think you have some good ideas when it comes to moving forward, though I'd recommend really honing in on exactly what it is you want to do. As it stands, your portfolio looks a little all over the place in terms of style. I think really focusing on the style you want to go for, whatever that may be, in the projects you pursue next would really go a long way in helping out your portfolio.
The environments that you have in your portfolio (Legend of Gus & Homemade Bliss to be specific) are a little dark in my opinion. I can see you're trying to put care into showing them off, but it's hard to really analyze the content when it's hard to see. Of course this can be hard to balance in environments that are supposed to be dark (night/dark hallways), but there's always a good balance you can walk. I also feel you can push the colors of the lighting a bit more, and try and balance warm/cool tones so that its not just a wash of color. Your Homemade Bliss environment is on the right track when it comes to this, but can be pushed more.
I would take the cat sculpt out of your portfolio, as compared with everything else it's really not showing off your skilset. As for future projects, I would consider ones both big and small. Big environments can be fun, but dioramas, hero props, etc. shouldn't be overlooked either. Whenever it comes to undertaking a new project, I would focus on something specific to hone your skills on, and really make it show through the project. Good luck!
Nice work! I'm only a student but I've been relentlessly researching portfolio critiques and advice for myself, but I'd still like to help!
I agree with the above about removing the 'Big Kitty Cat' piece because I don't think it's nearly as good as your other piece and as an environment artist it's not really relevant, so when applying for roles recruiters will most likely ignore or be confused by this. Also agree with you about removing the Skyrim piece, you can just change it to 'unpublished' in it's edit setting to keep it as a progress reminder
I think you could do a bit more in Substance Designer, just add some more materials like your 'rusted material metal door' to make that post a bit more interesting and worth it. Could just be some some other hard surface materials. Perhaps join the 'fabric embroidery' with this too, unless you have one for more hard surface materials and add some similar softer pieces to the fabric post.
Love the videos you've got for your environments/props. For all I'd suggest adding some texture information, show the different PBR maps as well as asset line ups (like you already do in the 'Legend of Gus' post, and add a wireframe view to these to show off geometry.
Hope this helps! Other than that your portfolio is lovely Wish you all the best with your job hunting!
I'll be direct (especially since you said you're already planning to remove some pieces):
The Cat piece is unfinished.
Skyrim skull is too basic.
Legend of Gus is over-reliant on a single brick texture.
Rusted industrial metal floor is one of those piece everyone has done before (normally as a way to learn substance).
Rusted container scene doesn't show any understanding of how rust accumulates and just has it splattered randomly.
Also, while I think Homemade Bliss piece is OK overall, I'd re-do the brick walls on top of and behind the the pillars. Right now their destruction is too clean cut and unnatural. Try breaking up the silhouette more, maybe try adding some holes and recesses where the bricks have started giving way. The sharp edge on the smaller wall on the pillars is especially noticeable.
As for your question about what to add next, just find some nice concept art for an environment or prop and try re-creating it in 3D (always make sure to credit the concepts author). That's generally the way to go when you don't have a clear idea what to make.
Good luck!