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Maya - Images fail to load

polycounter lvl 4
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Yerus polycounter lvl 4

I've been rigging an asset for over a mounth now and since then working in parallel with some textures that are receiving driving systems from the rig. It all worked well until now that I finished the rigging process and heading to finalizing the textures, when upon a sudden Maya fails to load the textures or can't find the textures. 


I've taken a look through the internet and it's said that Maya can't deal with 32-Bit textures (which has been my case since the start).  I wonder how is it possible since I've been using and rendering this type of files for over a mounth??

They are the same files and they were working. All plugins remain set to on, I still render with the same renderer: V-Ray Next, all is the same, the only thing I've changed are the texture paths, but I reconnected them, but Maya simply can't recognize them any more, and there were some textures which aren't even .tif or 32-Bit and weren't working as well, 'til I restarted in a new doc the material assigning all over again, then the non-32-Bits work but not the 32-Bit ones. What could be possibly happening? Any help is greatly appreciated!


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