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How can I overcome my lack of presentation skill

polycounter lvl 9
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Ra6ga5ka polycounter lvl 9
Hey polycounters,

I have grown over the years. and learnd new stuff. new Tech, new workflows, tools and tech I made my stuff and went in to a berriere I cant conquer.
I often get the feedback that my work bahaviour is verry kind and I am a good teamplayer what so ever. I appriciate that and that pushes me. But all in all I am not able to present my stuff in a good, way that people want to hire me when they just see my stuff.

It is simple as that I dont get my feed on the ground. That may have different reasons. But first of all I cant present my stuff. that also because I am a technical guy but that dont help me to get a better Artist further more it seams that this fact is blocking me from creating outstanding Art. Or art that is worth showing.

Do anyone have resources or Tips how to overcome this situation. How to learn to present. how to get this stuff in my head.

I took any asset from my assets and tryed to setup something to showcase it. I think that totally shows my lack of skill in that sense.
Furthermore How can I present techniques, tools and workflows I have created through pictures.

Thanks for your help I appriciate it.


  • icegodofhungary
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    icegodofhungary interpolator
    I'm not a professional but I can try to help. You want to show as much info as you need. The bottom left shots are good enough. You only need to show wireframe if you're trying to prove you can model stuff. You probably don't need to show off your individual texture channels as an AD would be able to recognize the roughness, normal, etc in your beauty shot. You would only need that if you're doing some trick where people would be surprised to see something in the textures. A specific example would be some thing I saw a while back where a person made this printer and it looked really realistic and detailed, way too detailed for a baked texture. Turns out they were using decals. So showing the texture/material breakdown in a case like that would be good. But just for a normal static mesh with the standard channels, you probably don't need to.

    Beauty shots should be their own image. Save the secondary technical info for its own collage. Treat it like any other composition. The most important info should stand out. The eye should flow from primary info to secondary info. It may be a bit outdated by now, but a lot of people used to put drop shadows behind their images to get them to pop.

    A really good way to figure out presentation is just to go through artstation and look at other people's presentation and look at how they solve those problems. Especially the pros.
  • Ra6ga5ka
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    Ra6ga5ka polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks alot! appriciate it. there is not much more to say.
  • gbpackers
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    gbpackers polycounter lvl 4
    There is a lot more to a portfolio showcase than final renders. There should be some context and information on your approach and workflow. Showing off a trash container is a tough one, although it is evidence that you can model to a sufficient standard. It doesn't really inspire the reader. You should choose pieces that you can give some good background on.

    If you're going to use Art boards to showcase, consider the design of the Art Board too, A light background, an attractive font and let the images give the contrast. Think about adding some margins between the images and placing them a little more meaningfully, for example, there is no point showing us the different maps you have created if they overlap and cover each other anyway.

    Hope this helps.
  • Ra6ga5ka
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    Ra6ga5ka polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks alot. It is always good to learn a new sight on things
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