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Is there anything worth to update to 2021?

sublime tool
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gnoop sublime tool
Mostly interested in Designer .   
My substances i did in summer still works fine , must be something wrong  :)


  • Mink
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    Mink polycounter lvl 6
    Something is wrong. Substance belongs to adobe now, so you can reasonably expect that the slowdown in updates is only going to get slower over the next 2 years till updates are reduced to basic maintenance delivered on a yearly basis. Expect subscription costs to double somewhere in the middle of that as well.
  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    Or not :)
    Last year was a little slower than usual due to many factors including Covid and the simultaneous cost of integrating a larger entity with different processes and infrastructure, but there is no plan to slow down on anything this year, to the contrary.
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    With something is wrong I meant just a fact that usually after several small updates a typical macaroni monster of my substances  I often  don't  remember  how exactly I did  and  how/why they were working  is no more same/ turns useless. 

    But now they are been working for pretty a while  :) and I have figured out I am not getting updates.  

    So I wonder maybe it's  a right strategy ,     Still curious  what I may be missing . Something new and cool?

    ps.   I am perfectly ok  with Adobe.    Photoshop  is  cheap, simple  and  user friendly.  Content aware move tool is my main thing for doing tillable  textures. 
    Especially for making variations  of my "procedural" substances  :p.     Kind of quicker  than  recollecting  the node mess.

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Mink said:
    Something is wrong. Substance belongs to adobe now, so you can reasonably expect that the slowdown in updates is only going to get slower over the next 2 years till updates are reduced to basic maintenance delivered on a yearly basis. Expect subscription costs to double somewhere in the middle of that as well.

    Cost of ownership has reduced, painter is no longer guaranteed to come with a massive critical bug every time there's a point release and we finally got painting across UDIMs.  I fail to see the problem myself. 

    Also iirc Adobe have had an interest of some sort in allegorithmic for a lot longer than their name has been on the products so the whole premise is flawed. 
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