I know how to create an ocean scene , animate with morph a seascape in max etc , but I am not sure how can I do to render out a vertical slice of that animation and create a tiled animation texture to use elsewhere, do you have any tip or perhaps refer me to a better tool for this kind of work?
Thanks for any answer.
Tiled left to right? Or also top to bottom? Also, looped?
Can you show an example or a sketch?
Your image example... do you want your tiled result to be in perspective like that? Or flat?
Perspective will not tile easily, because of lighting differences from left to right.
No I want to record the animation in an image sequence that I can then play as an image animated texture in an engine or played elsewhere.
To do this in Skyrim, you would need to modify the game.
Stones texture: https://www.textures.com/download/GravelCobble0003/12920
Replace with your own tiled textures, and have fun!