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[FINISHED] - Sakai No Arashi - (Samurai Katana - Dramatic scene )

polycounter lvl 5
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ElyesBens polycounter lvl 5
Hello everyone , this is my first ever post in these forums 
I'm leaning Substance Painter and some other softwares to try to land a job in the gaming industry and build my portfolio as a texture artist 

This is my 2nd project using substance (technically 3rd) and i was hoping to get feedback from the more experienced people in this community 

I'm gonna highlight this asset in a dramatic scene later on :)

* This is a render using vray


  • ElyesBens
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    ElyesBens polycounter lvl 5
    Hello everyone, this is an update of this project named Sakai No Arashi in reference to Jin Sakai's katana from the game Ghost of Tsushima - The katana is named Arashi (Storm) - as i enjoyed the game so much i've decided to create a piece inspired by it - this is not a reproduction of the sword nor a fanart (maybe in the future lol) , this is just an attempt to create a piece that tells a story of the katana and its owner. 

    I'm still struggling with implementing art fundamentals in my pieces - but the goal here was to highlight the subject and make it pop out of the background using light and color/contrast , all while giving the environement it's proper place in the scene to feed as much informations as possible about the story i'm trying to tell. 

    This was intended at first to be an exercice in substance painter using different techniques and applying techniques i've learned from some professionals to  solely paint the katana, but it evolved into a whole scene in which i had to model most of the assets and environnement (except the sword), create a composed image to highlight my subject and try to tell a deeper story through elements in the image and for a bonus why not add one or two easter eggs referencing the game.  

    I've only painted the black wooden walls as well as the table and of course the sword (which i have some more little ideas and details to add) - i still have to work on the elements in the background and the floor (the Tatami + Wooden floor near the wardrobe) 

    * STORY : The sword was abandoned by his owner or was placed by another person in honor of the samurai insinuating either the samurai renounced his "bushido" and moved on, or he passed away (notice the absence of the Wakizashi - the short sword used for Seppuku if the samurai has to end his life) - either way , details on the sword (blood and scratches)  are the tale of his last battles : brutal and intense, i tried to add as much story telling elements on the sword as possible through the damage, dirt and blood. 
    The environement is overtaken by nature which indicates the presence of humidity and water in the surrounding area (maybe an abandoned hut ...) - also the growth of the grass, ivy and moss is an indicator of how much time has passed since the sword was placed there, as well as the logs of broken wood that fell from the roof - all of this says that at least 5 years to a decade has passed to render the place in that state - Now i was tempted to add dust everywhere but i made it subtle to further emphisis on the humidity of the location. 

    I was hoping for some critics/feedback regarding this work in progress about any thing art or technical related as i'm trying to take my 3d art to the next level - I think i'm going in the direction that i intended in the begining but it always feels like there's something missing or not right. 

  • ElyesBens
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    ElyesBens polycounter lvl 5
    Hello everyone here's the update of the day i've painted the background elements of the scene - i think i'm gonna go back to refine some of the other objects i've painted before. 

  • ElyesBens
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    ElyesBens polycounter lvl 5
    A little update - trying some things here and there - I believe i need to work more on the main lighting of the scene as it does not serve the purpose i intended for (the composition feels a bit off) 
  • ElyesBens
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    ElyesBens polycounter lvl 5
    Hello everyone, this is the update of the day , i have decided to rework the whole lighting from scratch, change the image ratio and add some more details here and there and rethink the composition in general. The little warm highlights are where i'm gonna add some glowing fireflies.
    Obviously some assets are still not textured as of yet. 

  • francisbaud
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    francisbaud triangle
    Nice textures on the swords and I like the play of light
  • ElyesBens
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    ElyesBens polycounter lvl 5
    Thank you Francis !
  • Joopson
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    Joopson hero character
    Is the floor going to stay white, beneath the grass? That's the main thing that's sticking out to me at this point, it makes the grass feel very disjointed, and it's very 1-color. If it's, say, Tatami, it would be quite dark and dirty if it were old enough for grass to have seeded it and taken root.

    Besides that, it's looking very solid.
  • ElyesBens
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    ElyesBens polycounter lvl 5
    Hey @Joopson thank you for the feedback, you're right , i was intending on texturing the floor and yeah it is a dirty old tatami and woodfloor. 
    Here's a little preview of the texturing done today.

  • ElyesBens
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    ElyesBens polycounter lvl 5
    A little tiny small update since i barely had time to work on this project - a new shot i had in mind : Close up on the blade as the other shots do not showcase the texturing on the main subject of the image , i decided to create a zoom on the katana with an agressive DOF
  • ElyesBens
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    ElyesBens polycounter lvl 5
    Some texturing done this morning for the samurai's clan banner ( a bit of a reference to the game Ghost of Tsushima) 
    I created the asset using Marvelous Designer then textured it with Substance painter - i didn't push the details too much because it's a background asset and it's bathed in dark shadows so i thought this level of details is sufficient. 

  • ElyesBens
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    ElyesBens polycounter lvl 5
    Hey Polycount, here's some studio shots for the katana : 

  • ElyesBens
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    ElyesBens polycounter lvl 5
    I believe the project is finished , i'm gonna make some adjustements here and there before posting the final results 
    Here's some more shots of the assets i worked on : 

  • ElyesBens
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    ElyesBens polycounter lvl 5
    Hey polycounters ! I've finally finished this project, and i have to say that although i'm not proud of some parts of it, i've learned a lot through the process and improved quite a bit since i started the project, now it's time to move on to the next thing, maybe more assets texturing or i'll give a shot at stylized stuff - anyways here's the final results, i hope you like it :)  - More details : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/68VvbO

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