So while I feel I have a proper resume I don't really feel its geared towards or even right for game development. I would link it normally but it contains personal information such as address and phone number as of right now. My resume lists thing such as my education, work experience, awards (collegiate and highschool level). Skills (3DS Max, Blender, Adobe Illustrator, etc) My clubs within college and highschool and projects like game projects and community service and even my volunteer works. All this is good and well but...do they even care about any of these things. I am unaware of what to cull but I feel the need to do so with all this fluff. I have 3 pages as of right now and I am afraid they will feel it is all Fluff. Also with skills should I somehow indicate a proficiency level or no? sorry if this is hard to explain with words, but I would appreciate any advice on what is really looked for in a resume. Thank you for your time.
For questions like this, always check the polycount wiki first. The portfolio page is great too if you haven't already read it: http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/Portfolio
Work Experience first
Then Projects
Then Skills
Then Education
in my opinion, that's the priority order.
Take care to explicitly write in filterable buzzwords so you get the attention of recruiters and whatever data scraper tools they're using.