Hi there not sure if this is the right place to post this but I like to get opinion on making sure this is the right approach. I just put up some of the art I did for a gamejam in my portfolio and want to make sure it comes off correctly as in maybe I didn't put the right information or need more to it. Just like to see if there is anything I could do to improve my presentation on the is page, not my artwork as I am trying to improve my skills.
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/v2RmE3If this is the wrong place to post this, i apologize for it.
If you're going after 3d get rid of everything 2d and choose your best 3d pieces. If you feel like something is sub-par or looks like you could've done a better job if you had more time just take it out of the portfolio and give it the proper time and effort and upload again.