Hey guys - just curious what your thoughts are on maintaining remote jobs at studios rather than moving for jobs? I currently live in a city that does not have a big game dev scene and most of the jobs would require me to move. Ive managed to work remote for a couple studios the last few years while living here, which has been great. My big issue is, Im looking to move soon, and would really love to stay here (family, friends, etc.) but Im worried about steady remote work. If I moved and stayed here, I would be making a commitment to stay for at least a few more years. With my current studio Im at now (Ive been here for 1.5 years), I might be looking for another place to work in the near future and am just seeing how common remote studios are and if anyone has maintained a steady remote job working in this industry? I see a lot of jobs these days are listed as remote, but Im not sure if thats because of covid and if things will go back to being more in-studio jobs in the near future when things get a bit better.
Any advice would be great. Thanks for your time.
More and more studios will probably be open to this in the coming years as it will be a compeditive recruiting advantage to be able to hire super talneted people without having to deal with work visas and all that, I would expect small and medium sized studios to embrace it, steal a bunch of talent from big studios who are slower to adapt and then eventually for it to become more normal.
but short answer is yes there are plenty of people working remote and the opportunities for it should only continue to become more normal, but it also opens you up to competing with extremely talented people in a global job market.
as a whole we sync up as an entire studio every few weeks, but in general most departments are focused on their work.