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Question regarding game assets/performance

I am making a somewhat complex building, for a game asset, and had a question.
From a game performance/economy perspective, is it worth adding a lot of extra geometry (loopcuts and such) to a single mesh to have, say, windows and air conditioners, staircases, etc, extruding from that one single object?
Or is it less taxing to have a lower overall polycount and cleaner mesh while composing a building of seperate objects?

Thanks in advance.


  • Eric Chadwick
    Offline / Send Message
    When you get to larger assets, generally it's better to optimize unneeded geometry. Avoid adding extra loops that don't add to the silhouette, and needlessly increase the vertex count. Although sometimes extra edges are needed to help with shading, normal mapping, UVs, or vertex color painting.

    It depends on a lot of factors though. What's your target platform? PCs can handle a lot of geometry, but mobile not so much.

    An image of your current wireframe would help.
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