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axer node
Hello, im finishing up my studies on 3D modelling and rendering. If someone could help me out, on choosing how should i create my first portfolio, which i can use as my CV. For example, considering that im new to the industry, what type of models should i first do? Thanks in advance!!


  • JamesBrisnehan
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    JamesBrisnehan sublime tool
    Not really sure what to tell you. The answer to what you put in your portfolio really depends on what kind of artist you want to be. What is your favorite discipline? What would you like to spend 8+ hours for years working on? Once you know what kind of art you would like to make. . . make it, and put it in your portfolio. Then, when we know what your goals are, and can see samples of your work, we can offer more specific advice and/or critique.
  • Zi0
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    Zi0 polycounter
    axer said:
     what type of models should i first do?
    This is a very important question that only you can answer, you need to ask yourself what do you enjoy most, is it vehicles, props, characters? Pick a specialization first.

  • axer
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    axer node
     "your portfolio really depends on what kind of artist you want to be". I want to be a character/environment specialist, but high Q like Arthur Morgan (RDR2) or Geralt(Witcher). I discovered that when i played those games, i spent a considerable amount of time just walking and literaly enjoying the character models walking and how they fit in the environment. But i asked this question bcz i dont yet have enough xp to create a complicated character, for example i tried a couple of times to model a Roman legionary, but i just dont have an idea how to even start the armor. Tnx for reply!!!

  • axer
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    axer node
    "This is a very important question that only you can answer, you need to ask yourself what do you enjoy most, is it vehicles, props, characters? Pick a specialization first." 

    -Like i answered James, my main drive is characters/environment. But it get pretty difficult pretty fast because i cant find online some good tutorials on how should i build my model, for example, should i do one big peace, or just do everything separatly, then merge, etc.
  • JamesBrisnehan
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    JamesBrisnehan sublime tool
    axer said:

     But i asked this question bcz i dont yet have enough xp to create a complicated character, for example i tried a couple of times to model a Roman legionary, but i just dont have an idea how to even start the armor. 

    If you need to learn a specific thing, look to the interwebs:




    If you need to learn all of the things, . . maybe take a class?
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    axer said:
     "your portfolio really depends on what kind of artist you want to be". I want to be a character/environment specialist, but high Q like Arthur Morgan (RDR2) or Geralt(Witcher). I discovered that when i played those games, i spent a considerable amount of time just walking and literaly enjoying the character models walking and how they fit in the environment. But i asked this question bcz i dont yet have enough xp to create a complicated character, for example i tried a couple of times to model a Roman legionary, but i just dont have an idea how to even start the armor. Tnx for reply!!!

    Make a Disney character.
  • axer
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    axer node
    Thanks a bunch guys! 
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