When I first started learning 3D art, I tasked myself with making a simple scene of a tree a top a hill. I actually managed to find a screenshot of that scene that I sent to my friend (the 2nd screenshot below). I didn't know how to render out screens at the time, so I just screenshotted the viewport (lol).
For the sake of practice, I thought it would be neat to take a day and try and to re-create the "tree a top a hill" project I first tasked myself with. Lately, the inevitable feeling of doubt has crept up on me due to a string of scraps and failed projects. Needless to say, this practice exercise has reassured me that these past 3 months have not been for nothing. Below is a screenshot of the re-created scene, and just below that is the one I did 3 months ago.
- Re-creation
- First/Old Project
I'm looking forward to seeing where you're at in another 3 months (no pressure though ).