Hello everyone,
I made this flintlock pistol wanting it to look worn but not overdo it.
I tried building the materials from scratch in painter. For the wood I used the texture but layered it, changed roughness etc.
Details, ornaments were sculpted in zbrush.
For the topology I used Zremesher as this is a personal piece and I wanted to practice texturing the most.
Any feedback is welcome.
Thank you.
Nikola Roglic

Hey! I think this looks great personally
One small change I feel may benefit the model is to bring the overall roughness of the wood up very slightly. Not by much, however the issue I see at the moment is that the wooden texture looks a bit too leathery.
Besides this, as I mentioned, I think the model looks good and the textures capture the damaged look well. Good job!
I looked for a real flint pistol and put this besides your rendered version.
The right version is just the black and white version and you can see that the real pistol has a higher contrast.
Thank you again.
I think you could push your roughness map a lot further though, and increase realism. It's really hard to polish metal and wood down in the crevices, so those areas accumulate grime more. An easy way is to bake occlusion and curvature passes and mix those into your roughness, diffuse, and AO maps.