I have a question for professionals and amateurs alike. How do you guys find the time do you art and improve when you work part time that’s draining the life and time out of you? I want to improve the quality of my work but I hardly have the time anymore and I need to time to get better. I need money to start my independence but I need to make my career happen not just for money but for the sake of my passion. I’d like to here you guy’s struggle or resolution.
Also my latest work is the stylized character for my portfolio but it’s still a work in progress and has been for the last few months. Gonna work on something realistic next lol if I have the time. Will get the full shot if I have time
I've been, and continue to be, where you are. I know how exhausting and defeating it can be. I haven't had time for any hobbies or relationships for a couple years now and it is often very mentally/emotionally draining. But if you love something and want it enough, you will put yourself through whatever hell and challenges it takes to achieve it, and you'll never give up until that bitch is yours! Imagine where you want to be in a few years, and as you get older, and put in the necessary work/struggle NOW so you can get to that point and eventually be at peace and happiness! In the early days of my own 3D art journey, I kept having visions/fears of ending up old and bitter and stuck in the career that I was at the time in, one that had me completely burnt-out, and looking back with regret that I wasted time not pursuing something I loved instead. That fear really kicked my ass into gear big time and motivated the hell out of me to get my shit together and start taking whatever steps necessary to start focusing more on pursuing my artsy fartsy dreams. It hasn't been an easy road, I have lost a lot and have experienced a lot of pain along the way, but I keep the endgame in mind and believe it will all be worth it.
It just takes a strong will and determination. And a clear vision of who and what you want to be. Oh, and as Ashervisalis stated, coffee. Coffee is your friend. Don't forget coffee. Once you have all the ingredients, mix 'em all together into a concoction that you can use to excite and drive you towards your goals! Most people never put in the hard work and effort it takes to to chase their dreams, and that is a truly sad thing. We only get one life, so take the necessary steps and make it awesome before it's too late!
Granted, I was in Washington originally for what ended-up feeling like a botched Microsoft contract.
There are a few things I do that help me keep moving forward.
When I don't have a project or when I have no more motivation to do 3d, i just play games and do my hobbies. It's important to get your dose
of happiness, you're a human not a working robot. Even the best job in the world has it's bad moments when you need to take a chill pill.
I had a daily schedule where I told myself I would do at least 2-3-4 hour sessions doing 3d, and gradually increase it. The reason for this would be that you're gonna be working 8+ hours on 3d if you get a job on that so I didn't want to "force" myself staying for 8 hours "working", instead i want to happily work this amount of time. And it does take time and practise, to turn your hobby and passion into a job.
Sometimes I redirect my anger towards making 3d. Personal stuff like my family thinking 3d is not meant for job but as a hobby, people saying saying games are immature and stuff like that. It motivates me to prove them wrong and rub it in their face afterwards, maybe with a small middle finger. There were many times i opened my 3d software just because of that.
Join artstation challenges with the intention to win (like planning your strenghts, weaknesses and how can you manipulate your project and get the best result you can, with some room for exploration).There is one coming up on the 7th, try to join! I really believed I had a chance for honorable mentions in king arthur's challenge and that pushed me to do even better work, even more work, and learn tons of stuff in a little amount of time. I exceeded my expectations in some areas but in others i shot myself in the foot for example time management. Lot's of things will improve. I didn't get a honorable mention
Last but not least, compare your work with recent game's graphics but don't punish yourself; That is your goal and not the judging criteria. The judging criteria would be your previous work. I always feel the improvement when i compare my latest work with the previous ones, especially my first one >.< I'm like, hey, look at how far you've come the last 1,2,3 years!
It's a phase and i believe you'll get over it