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Would like some advice and critique for my portfolio

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Hi, I am new to building a personal portfolio for my 3d projects and I would like some advice and critique for my portfolio. So far it displays the only one project that I deem presentable. Is it a passable start? What do you think I should work on to improve the portfolio and my chances in the gaming industry? My main goal is, predictably, to up my game and go professional as a 3d artist.

As a side note, I have been 3d modelling as an amateur for around 3 years, and so far that is it for my experience as an "artist". I don't have any art-related qualifications and I only have a totally irrelevant degree (in biochemistry). I mostly focus on drawing vehicles like buses and trucks.

My portfolio: https://www.artstation.com/johnny244


  • Zi0
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    Zi0 polycounter
    This is a good lucking truck with a lot of details, nice work on that one, I would only suggest to work on materials a bit more. For instance the tires dont have tire material they are just black and glossy. If you improve your presentation this truck will become a amazing portfolio piece. After that, since you are passionate about vehicles, I would say just crank out more? Maybe a bus and a car with the same level of detail as the truck you already made. After that it shouldn't be a problem to find a job as a vehicle artist :)
  • JamesBrisnehan
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    JamesBrisnehan sublime tool
    The model looks pretty good, it just needs textures. Also, when it comes to displaying projects for a game portfolio, it is a good idea to show off your wireframe and texture maps (when you have them finished) so that recruiters know your vehicle is "Game-Ready". Also, adding a project that shows a vehicle's interior to your portfolio might be good in case you want to work on a driving game with a first-person mode.

    You mentioned that you are self-taught, so in case you are unfamiliar with some of the process' of texturing, here are some overviews/tutorials that might be helpful. They're all based in the software Substance Painter though (because that's the most popular software for texturing in the game industry right now), but I think most of the core principles of texturing and material creation can translate to other texturing software:



    (This Youtube link is for a full playlist of S.P. and texturing tutorials): 

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