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some xgen questions (interactive groom)


I was just wondering if someone could help me out with some xgen question. I am kind of stuck or maybe i still don`t understand the workflow of it.
I started working with xgen and converted my hair to the interactive grooming. But now i am missing quiet a few features.

1. Somehow I can`t use the density multiplier anymore in the interactive grooming, which means i am locked with the hair density before i converted to interactive grooming? 

2. Can i create curves out of my interactive grooming guides/ hair?

3. can i use/copy interactive grooming guides to another/new description somehow?

4. is there still a stray hair section somehow in interactive grooming or is that gone?

5. and most importantly. I am normally used to other hair tools like yeti. In yeti i can duplicate a node network and can mix different hair setups. For example, different clumped hair mixed with fine hair, stray hair or small clumped hair with bigger clumped hair, lose hair and so on.
In xgen i feel like i have to create a description for each hair grooming type i want to do.
Is that the right workflow in general to have multiple descriptions for one haircut?
Also how could I get the guides from one description to another description? Is it common to have 6 to 7 descriptions for a more complex haircut.
Right now i have a description for tied hair, ponytail, front hair, breakup hair, small clumps hair and flyaway hair.

Any help would be much appreciate :)



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