Hello everyone,
I was wondering if any of you have some experience using AMD (pro/consumer) cards for rendering. I am running a 2080 ti right now because a Titan was just not fitting my (Hobby) budget.
While the 2080 TI is great, I am getting to a point where 11gb VRAM is not cutting it anymore. I highly believe that 16 gb VRAM will get me by another two years.
I have never had an AMD card, and I am not really into the technical aspects of open CL vs Cuda and dont know how hardware acceleration plays into performance.
So the decision stands between AMD (pro or) and NVIDIA's top end consumer cards. While I am not a 3D professional, my time is limited. However if its not a 20% difference between opencl and cuda I rather put the saved money into my vaccation.
Hope someone can shed some light on that matter
Wish you all the best.
Redshift is in apha with AMD support. So even there is hope.
But Arnold, Renderman XPU and Vray dont get AMD support in the near future.
But i suppose you use them, 11GB is indeed not enough. The RTX 3090 with its 24GB is a good option, but quite expensive for what it offers.
historically the drivers are not particularly robust and obviously you lose cuda which most you compute apps like
Honestly I'd just wait and see what turns up over the next year or so. There'll be higher capacity ampere cards coming soon enough I'm sure and there's always the 3090 if it doesn't happen.