Hello, I would like to present you my latest project.
Construction Kit Vol. 1 (Set A) consists of 12 complete structures and
65 architectural elements from which these structures are built (highly
detailed Textures per asset - PBR 4096 x 4096).
Subsequent releases
of sets within Tenements Construction Kit Vol. 1 will be geometrically
matched to each other and will form a logical and functional whole
encourage you to watch the presentation on YouTube presenting all
structures and individual assets with information about the number of
triangles of a specific geometry.
- 12 complete structures (.obj; .fbx; Blender 2.9 file)
- 65 architectural assets (modular and singular) (.obj; .fbx; Blender 2.9 file)
- Game Ready models / Real World Scale geometry
- PBR (4096 x 4096) highly detailed Textures per asset
I hope you like it