Hi all,
Circuits and Shields (
http://circuitsandshields.com) is looking for some minor UI work to get done quickly for our Main Menu and Lobby. This isn't a full on client, we're just trying to make something kind of pretty for streams and promo videos. This would jsut be like an image background and menu items, and for the lobby, a really basic champion select type thing.
On a more technical front, I'm looking for HUD specific work, namely minor text and health bar animations, namely like the ones found here:
https://www.behance.net/gallery/71518411/League-Healthbar-Redesign . My programmer tells me "they make the animation and convert it into a flipbook. As in a sprite animation with the images for each frame in a single sheet. Then I can turn that into a flipbook material which UE4 does accept for UMG, and just play it when damage is taken. They treat is if they're animating a 2D sprite, but its the health bar. Then they give us a sprite sheet which can be turned into a flipbook material which can be used in UMG on our health bar."
So obviously you'd need flipbook/2D Sprite knowledge as well.
This is a paid position and I'm looking to get it done fairly quick.
I can be reached on Discord at "cthomlison#2648"