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Need advise with learning

Hi everyone, I need some advise. So I currently have one diorama rendered in unreal and one game ready asset on my artstation and a few other offline renders. I want to make an another diorama but this time I want to showcase vegetation, rocks which I have pretty low knowledge of and good composition. My previous diorama was extremely simple and I used megascans for the little vegetation I have. I want my next piece to be the one that can get me my first job since I applied to a few small indie studios and my work wasn't enough. I am kinda overwhelmed what to learn first, my priorities are designer, vegetation and rocks. I am learning substance designer currently so I can do some textures there for my diorama, should I learn everything seperately and then combine what I learned or just start the environment and learn as I go along? This is my portfolio https://www.artstation.com/kelser1410


  • sharsein
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    sharsein polycounter lvl 9
    Find concept art of a scene you really like and recreate that in 3d. Analyze the composition choices, edge treatment, shape language, local color palette vs lighting. Then recreate that scene in 3d. Compare it to the concept art. Make adjustments as needed. Then when you've hit the point where any tweak you make seems to make it worse, ask for feedback. 

    When you're happy enough with the view shown in the concept art, pick an angle not shown in the concept art. Design props that continue whatever environmental story the concept artist setup. Work that angle until it fits stylistically with the one designed by the concept artist.

    Learn the tech as needed. You may find you only need substance painter and not even need to touch designer.
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