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Marmoset crashes when i press button bake, every time

  1. Hello
  2. The problem is, when I press the bake button, marmoset crashes, I really need help, I can't work further, version 3.08


  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator
    While you are waiting you can try to reinstall a CLEAN version of your operating system on an alternative drive or partition and install marmoset ONLY on that one with the needed applications, directX updates and such < collect the updates for needed items like GPU drivers ect Before making the os, the new os does not go online EVER.

    You should be able to bake then while you wait for a response on your MAIN os profile, its what i would do so i could continue to work, your choice, good luck, hopefully you get a response.
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    DavidCruz said:
    While you are waiting you can try to reinstall a CLEAN version of your operating system on an alternative drive or partition and install marmoset ONLY on that one with the needed applications, directX updates and such < collect the updates for needed items like GPU drivers ect..........................................................................................................
    That sounds like a really convoluted workaround, especially for someone who may not be super well versed in that level of tech. I would literally never go through such steps to address an issue like this, before exhausting literally all other possibilities.

    One question, does this happen with every scene? If not, start there; try reimporting meshes, and troubleshooting.

    If it happens with every scene, try changing marmoset's Baker GPU priority, or running their baker stability tool, which you can get here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/mset/download/release/tdr_adjust.exe

    This is what their site says about it though:
    If you’re experiencing crashes or display driver resets during lengthy texture bakes in Toolbag 3 on Windows, you may be able to improve stability by adjusting your driver’s GPU timeout period. We have created a tool to adjust this setting which is available here. Please note that this is a system-wide change which requires administrator permission as well as a reboot, and should probably only be used where needed. If necessary this tool can also be used to restore your system’s default settings (simply run it a second time).

    Beyond that, it would be helpful to know your computer specs, to see if something there could be the problem.
  • DavidCruz
    Offline / Send Message
    DavidCruz interpolator
    Joopson said:
    DavidCruz said:
    That sounds like a really convoluted workaround      .      .      . 
    True and it may not work (or it would idk) seeing as i never knew about that gpu timeout hack.  The baker never worked for me so i just jump on other bakers to save my life and time, i didn't want to mention a new baker cause marmoset traffic = win.  It would be a wise option to always make a "back up", os ready for any issues that may arise in the future even as convoluted as it is and whether or not this person knows how (many videos out there now-a-days) things happen.  As negative as it may seen its also planning for the future cause sh!t happens and it sucks to sit there when it does reinstalling without a ready to go os to alleviate the headache of what just happen.

    Or at the least a virtual machine or img rdy to reinstall to a state of reassurance.

    I agree though, hate to do it myself but if its needed, its needed.  Also handy when you just want to refresh the ol'os to a cleaner (uncluttered) state.  Cause programs like to duke it out, i hear.

  • Pealch
    Joopson said:
    That sounds like a really convoluted workaround, especially for someone who may not be super well versed in that level of tech. I would literally never go through such steps to address an issue like this, before exhausting literally all other possibilities.

    One question, does this happen with every scene? If not, start there; try reimporting meshes, and troubleshooting.

    If it happens with every scene, try changing marmoset's Baker GPU priority, or running their baker stability tool, which you can get here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/mset/download/release/tdr_adjust.exe

    This is what their site says about it though:

    Beyond that, it would be helpful to know your computer specs, to see if something there could be the problem.
    DavidCruz said:
    Joopson said:
    DavidCruz said:
    True and it may not work (or it would idk) seeing as i never knew about that gpu timeout hack.  The baker never worked for me so i just jump on other bakers to save my life and time, i didn't want to mention a new baker cause marmoset traffic = win.  It would be a wise option to always make a "back up", os ready for any issues that may arise in the future even as convoluted as it is and whether or not this person knows how (many videos out there now-a-days) things happen.  As negative as it may seen its also planning for the future cause sh!t happens and it sucks to sit there when it does reinstalling without a ready to go os to alleviate the headache of what just happen.

    Or at the least a virtual machine or img rdy to reinstall to a state of reassurance.

    I agree though, hate to do it myself but if its needed, its needed.  Also handy when you just want to refresh the ol'os to a cleaner (uncluttered) state.  Cause programs like to duke it out, i hear.

    A little less than a month ago I changed the video card, switched from amd to Intel, the other day, my teacher said that after installing a video card from another manufacturer, you need to reinstall windows, since some programs may not work correctly, marmoset does not print all the scenes that I tried, when  exporting from maya, I tried almost everything I could, I freeze the object, reset the history, did combine, reset the coordinates of the object, changed the material a thousand times and everything was in vain, so it seems to me it's a matter of replacing the video card, sorry for my English
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