Hello guys. Here is Youtube demo of the new version of ImaGen - Images Generator and Editor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-0ew6xenIw Also, I now have affiliate program, so if You think that You know anyone that would be interested in the App You can resell it. You can find out more about affiliate program on the Gumroad link: https://gumroad.com/l/LgUR
I think the connection animation is a cool idea too and makes the graph feel alive, a nice visual feedback.
I would suggest using the animation only after connecting to nodes, to give a sense of satisfaction to the user.
Because the overall visual impression might get to noisy with all the animations. Optionally you could also disable the animation for a certain zoom distance.
Hey that's pretty cool ! I was looking for a node-based alternative to Processing in order to programatically generate precise images/patterns and this seems like a good fit, while being more straightforward than TouchDesigner.
• Is there a page somewhere showing examples for each and every node ? Like a long scrollable page showing everything. This would be much faster to parse than having to look at videos. • It would be great to have a node search box straight within the program. • I couldn't find a way to set a canvas size different than the size of the input image, so that the final output is at desired dimensions. How is that done ?
Performance-wise is seems like the interface is a tad slow, that's a bit of a bummer as it gives the impression of a slow tool even though it is probably faster at processing the nodes than the UI suggests.
Hey that's pretty cool ! I was looking for a node-based alternative to Processing in order to programatically generate precise images/patterns and this seems like a good fit, while being more straightforward than TouchDesigner.
• Is there a page somewhere showing examples for each and every node ? Like a long scrollable page showing everything. This would be much faster to parse than having to look at videos. • It would be great to have a node search box straight within the program. • I couldn't find a way to set a canvas size different than the size of the input image, so that the final output is at desired dimensions. How is that done ?
Performance-wise is seems like the interface is a tad slow, that's a bit of a bummer as it gives the impression of a slow tool even though it is probably faster at processing the nodes than the UI suggests.
Thanks! No, I haven't written any examples page, but I probably should. I will start doing it asap. That is a really good idea. Node search box is somewhere on my TODO list so that will definitely exist in next couple of versions. Image size can be defined only in nodes that create something (texture node, uv nodes...) but not in modifier nodes because they just modify input image (exceptions are crop and resize modifiers). Problem with performance is that everything is calculated on the CPU. I will start adding GPU option to the nodes so textures creation should be much faster.
i feel like the nodes having inputs on both sides feels a bit confusing. Imo inputs should be left to right. input > output.
I don't know how to fix it though. If I put sockets to the left of the attributes on the right then connections are not visible and if I leave them on the right than it is a bit confusing. Damn, have to figure out something
Also, I now have affiliate program, so if You think that You know anyone that would be interested in the App You can resell it. You can find out more about affiliate program on the Gumroad link: https://gumroad.com/l/LgUR
Youtube demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkN6o7d8qzY
Youtube demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wq4SOuOBl4
Youtube demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IPkvzidabw
Youtube demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kR2buR-yByc
Download link with free 10 licenses: https://gumroad.com/l/LgUR/polycount
Youtube demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YBm0BgHXF0
Free download link: https://rayterex.gumroad.com/l/LgUR
Youtube demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BmM3MEPc0w
Free download link: https://rayterex.gumroad.com/l/LgUR
Youtube demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fG1m6sZS67Y
Free download link: https://rayterex.gumroad.com/l/LgUR
• Is there a page somewhere showing examples for each and every node ? Like a long scrollable page showing everything. This would be much faster to parse than having to look at videos.
• It would be great to have a node search box straight within the program.
• I couldn't find a way to set a canvas size different than the size of the input image, so that the final output is at desired dimensions. How is that done ?
Performance-wise is seems like the interface is a tad slow, that's a bit of a bummer as it gives the impression of a slow tool even though it is probably faster at processing the nodes than the UI suggests.
Youtube demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31-s2iFzNuQ
Free download link: https://rayterex.gumroad.com/l/LgUR
Youtube demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWY9BsjuWaU
Free download link: https://rayterex.gumroad.com/l/LgUR