To get a nice detailed height channel in textures more megapixels is better . Just keep in mind that Steam version of Reality Capture allows no more than 24 mpix images now. It's only soft now that makes it easy really. So for more hires cameras you would have to pay full version subscriptions.
As of 24mpix cameras I think Sony a6000 or a5100 are totally ok. You would still fight for sharper surface imperfections out of them , the kit lens is a bit soft at wide angle, and you would need to take lots of closer shots generally but at least the camera buffer is deep enough to do shots without annoying waiting, lens stabilization allows to work with 1/60 reliably and cameras are really pocket-able
You need clear straight 90º shot with soft spread out light and big photo resolution (depends on your needs). If there is no much resolution in your device, give it two or more parallel shots and bind them together with Photoshop in 'File > Automate > Photomerge'.