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Reflection shifts



Little question regarding to reflections settings in unity:

Simple scene: empty room with super reflective floor and reflection probe in a center.

Question is - why reflection is incorrect, with objects shifted from actual positions (pic 1), keeping same scale regardless of how far camera is (pic 2)? Only time it looks correct is when camera stands in a center of the room (pic 0). Tried different type of reflection probe's settings (size, position, box mode, realistic\baked), didn't helped me much.

rUnity3D - Reflection shifts

What kind of setting am I missing here?


Scene description:

URP, couple of light sources (direct + point),

empty room object with non-reflective standard URP lit material,

floor plane with standard URP lit material, with Metallic and Smoothness set to 1,

reflection probe in a center of the room with box size covering entire room.

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