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Can You Game on A Graphics Tablet's Display?

I'm buying a Graphics Tablet with a display on it. Sort of like this one: https://www.storexppen.com/buy/artist-22epro.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwwuD7BRDBARIsAK_5YhWUgOGxkt5ktxTCblTSYqF_-YdqccP0BobPHsgKr1yZhEm32kcZCbgaApdWEALw_wcB

I currently use a laptop which doesn't have the best display. So I was wondering if I could use my graphics tablet in order to play games on or to do anything else on it? And if so, do I need to buy extra  cables or adapters in order to do it?

And also which graphics Tablet do you recommend. My budget is $500


  • Kanni3d
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    Kanni3d ngon master
    Tablets like those require usb 3.0 + displayport in (lower end models with HDMI) check if your laptop has a Displayport out. It'll act like a second monitor, so yes you could game on it. I'd watch out to make sure there isn't any high input lag, which can make high intense/competitive games a deal breaker.
  • Broadcast
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    Broadcast node
    ok thanks, do you think I should wait until Black Friday? Do these tablets normally get any deep price cuts around that time? Like more than 10%? If not, then I would probably just get it now. If so, then maybe I would wait
  • Broadcast
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    Broadcast node
    One more question is the tilt function worth paying extra for?
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Tilt isn't supported in most 3d apps but it's really nice to have in Photoshop . 
    Depends on your priorities really.

    I've seen those displays drop as low as £299 sometimes so it's worth shopping around - they're distributed under a number of brand names so if you trawl around enough there's a fair chance you'll find one cheap at any time of year.

    I've got a similar monoprice one at home that has been functioning fine for 4-5 years.  I had no trouble running it as a primary monitor and gaming on it. The display part is just a normal display, the tablet bit runs through the usb.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Tilt is supported by hardly anything, outside of Photoshop I'd say it's a waste of money.
    Years ago I paid extra for a tablet with tilt support expecting I'd be able to use it in ZBrush to control the direction surfaces pushed in / pulled out, just to find out ZBrush didn't support the feature at all.
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