Can someone clear something up for me? If Im using a majority of tiling textures and trim sheets in my game, how does texture atlasing come into play here?
Also, all of my tiling textures are authored at 2k resolution and my meshes are scaled to match my texel density I have determined. Am I doing this correctly? I have a few tiling textures that Ive downscaled to 512, but the vast majority are rendering at 2k each and I use about 10-15 or so on screen at a time. Is this the optimized way to do this?
But most games use a mix of atlases and tiling, so that would be 2 uv channels.
Honestly, stop worrying about it.
If you make things in a way that minimises the amount of unique assets you have to create then you have almost certainly made something that's fairly efficient.
Any performance gains or issues to be found beyond that are entirely dependent on context and can only be answered by profiling