Hello, i'm currently learning 3D, and studying Zbrush.
What other programs should i learn? I'm very confuse about this.
For example, i know Maya and 3ds Max are good programs, but what is their usability? For rendering and animation?
Sorry about this newbie questions.
Characters are first designed as concepts, sculpted to create form and details, re-topology modeled for in-game use, textured and shaded to create color and surface materials, rigged to a skeleton, animated to move and act, and special effects are added.
In your place I'd grab that pipeline described, research what each thing means, then try to create a very simple asset from the beginning to the end—maybe grab a guide walking you through the entire process to make it smoother—so the purpose of each package becomes clear. This should also give you the inkling of which area you'd like to specialize into.
<a href="https://bestort.com/best-router-for-parental-controls/">https://bestort.com/best-router-for-parental-controls/</a>