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3D Retro Artist/Animator, 2D Animator, Game Designer - [Remote/Part, Full Time/Free Lance]

polycounter lvl 4
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CAREFACE polycounter lvl 4
Mostly self-taught game designer and animator, I am looking for remote freelance, full time or part time work. If remote it's not possible, I could consider an offer whitin EU.

Not being a modeler myself, I am confident that I can handle Retro modeling/texturing (similar to PSx ones). Retro is my passion, and I can easily get references from the oldies to get it's touch. Other than that, Rigging standard Low Poly characters souldn't be a problem, and animating + implementation is what I am about as I am very familiar with GameMaker and Unity engines. Keep in mind all the samples shown below are pretty standard, and in a real situation I will make sure to keep whitin your taste and expectations.

For FreeLance jobs, please consider making orders on my Fiverr

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Thank you for taking a look, and hopefully, we can work together.

Animated samples implemented into Unity:

Rig and quick Posing sample (IK):

Animation Samples:

Some of my Prototypes (GMS):

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