Hello all,
Recently, I have been working on several game ready objects with the intent to assemble them in a small diorama. The scene is intended to include a hatchet, oil lamp, and a tree stump. The first two are fairly complete up to this point though I am trying to figure out how to raise them up to a higher level. The tree stump, however, is still being modeled. I was hoping if anyone in the community had any tips pertaining to organic modeling as this is the the first organic thing i have modeled in ZBrush. I also thought this might be a fun project to log progress so folks can see the progress being made.
Oil Lamp:


Tree Stump:

Thanks in advance for any feedback given!

Hello folks,
Hope you are having a good one. Progress has been pleasant for my project. I started fiddling with the textures for my stump in Painter:
I'm fairly pleased with initial progress, probably need to tighten this base texture a bit before I add any dirt or imperfections to the base. I also have begun on a 4th asset that I believe will help complete the scene. A leather journal:
I'll probably try to play with adding even more dust to cleaner areas as well as add some more distinct finger prints to that layer on the glass.
Hello Again!
Going to be a shorter update since I've mainly been trying to hit upon the texturing of my stump:
I'm fairly pleased with the bark though I think the rings portion is going to need some more work whenever I figure out what that could mean. I've also made further progress on the journal I've been making:
I've been trying to add more shape variety to the overall design. I also added some folds to the paper and to where the rubber band meets the edge of the journal. I think it would be nice to also add some etches to either the corner metallic pieces or the pendant on the rubber band.
Evening Folks,
Got a longer update for today. Since I last logged my process I have been wrangling with the UV Mapping as well as the test bakes for getting a good Ambient Occlusion going for my Leather Back Journal. Part of this was the realization that I was probably going to need to seperate the cover itself unto its own UV island in order to get a better resolution for the details:
Generally, it feels a bit messy to me. Though, I'm still a little new at organizing my UV maps so if anyone has any tips to better tighten it, I would deeply appreciate it. The resolution for all my pieces are 4096 for anyone curious.
Another aspect of my workflow that I'm still trying to figure out is trying to get the best ambient occlusion going for my pieces which usually results in them all being separated out like so:
I'm not sure if this is the best way of doing it, though it has so far given me good results.
I've also just about finished the texturing of the journal itself:
I still have issues to resolve on it such as I think I might need to add some more mud to help bind it all together. I'm also trying to decide whether to go with this thick leather back version or whether I want more of a fiber material in between.
Though, I sense that in order for this version to make sense I would have to add stitches and even then it might not make sense with the metallic corners. Generally, I think I still need to tighten the textures a tad to fit the quality of my other pieces.
On one final note, I've begun to think about how the composition of this Diorama is suppose to be arranged:
Looking at it, I'm considering whether it needs something of a dirt mound to help make it more complete. Might also be nice to have some floral stuff accompanying that mound to help set this composition apart.
Thanks again for all who look at my work! Until next time.
ZBrush Work!