Hi all, here's the start of a personal fan art project to take a level from the Rare classic Banjo-Kazooie and attempt my own take on it. My aim is to take inspiration from the recent slew of remastered classic games to have come out over the last few years, Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy, Medievil, Ratchet and Clank PS4 and the awesome Spyro Reignited Trilogy. The aim is to have an environment that feels familiar but very much updated and refreshed.
For me it was fairly easy picking which level i wanted to remake and that is Treasure Trove Cove. Its always the first level that pops into my head when i think back to the original game. I'm hoping that in making this thread will give me the drive and motivation to push forward on this and make regular progress on it. It is by far the largest personal project I've ever done which is both daunting and exciting in equal measure!
Trying to break down what is needed to achieve that 'remastered' look and feel and i think the following is a good start;
- More detailed higher res textures (That echo the originals enough to seem familiar).
- Added areas of detail across the whole map as well as on key landmarks (Salty Hippo ship, Lighthouse etc).
- Coherent stylized art style.
Currently blocking it out in Maya. Once i'm happy with this i'll then take it into Unity as this is the engine i'm most familiar with. Its super rough as i really just want something i can use for scale purposes and to start the thought process in my head of what changes i want to make to push the level and give it that 'Remastered' feel!
So here's the start of level as it stands.

Oh and heres a shot of the original model for comparison.
...and heres the new blockout mesh in progress. Thanks for looking.
Regarding the pier, I think you could exaggerate the warping of the planks quite a lot more to really push their character. Maybe make the planks less densely packed together (maybe not as extremely spaced out as they are in the original, but some space). The extra space would give you plenty of room for kinky/bent planks.
Maybe also reduce the density of the railing pillars and vary their size and silhouettes more. I think when it comes to cartoonish stylisation its best to push/exaggerate to extremes and then dial it back until you hit the sweet spot.
I often relate it to the question of "if children had built this, what would it look like?" Odds are solid, uniform elements would not be very common.
Keep going! Really looking forward to updates!