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Fiat 127 (Finished)

polycounter lvl 11
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unionofwarfare polycounter lvl 11
Hey all, 

for practice i am planning on creating this car. I intend on making it as detailed as i feasibly can and making it game ready.

Progress so far...


  • unionofwarfare
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    unionofwarfare polycounter lvl 11
  • unionofwarfare
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    unionofwarfare polycounter lvl 11

    Another update.

    i have been struggling to find enough reference imagery for certain parts of the car so instead of making a carbon copy of the original i am going to be a little creative with some areas of the car.
  • unionofwarfare
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    unionofwarfare polycounter lvl 11
    made some more additions, they are not 100% accurate right now but later i intend to fix the issues once i have everything in place.

    i decided to be creative with the underside of the car and suspension system as these areas will not be seen and accuracy in these areas is not really important.

  • lluc21
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    lluc21 polycounter lvl 6
    It's looking great so far!
  • unionofwarfare
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    unionofwarfare polycounter lvl 11
    Still chipping away with the model. I decided its not worth the effort to detail out the interior, maybe later on i might do this. Im very close to calling the high poly complete.

  • Kanni3d
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    Kanni3d ngon master
    Nailed it's shape down! Nice work man
  • unionofwarfare
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    unionofwarfare polycounter lvl 11
    Started on texturing the car. i have split the model into 6 parts to get more texture detail into each area. the interior and underside of the car are done but i plan on properly texturing the exterior and wheels and current material for them are just tests.

    I want to make a police car version of this car and add text, colour, Vinyls kinda like the car below.

    Is there any way to do this easily through Substance painter or would i be better off doing this in something like Photoshop?.
    somebody please let me know.
  • teodar23
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    teodar23 sublime tool
    You can create decals in ps or designer, then import them into painter. The workflow is not great, not terrible.
  • unionofwarfare
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    unionofwarfare polycounter lvl 11
    Final update, happy to call this project finished.

  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter
    Well done.

    Though some constructive feedback I think worth at least a mention for future reference. Firstly the car's paint dimpling - 'orange peel' effect is reading slightly off, similar imo to a 'concrete' like rough surface material plus the headlights are basically diffuse without transperent glass reflective properties probably because your scene is lit from above right handside and to the rear via IBL rather than three point lighting which is what I'd suggest keeping in mind for your next project.

    Otherwise again good job overall and from personal experience, vehicles have the same level of complexity in order too finalize as a char artist would face, if not more so :+1:

  • unionofwarfare
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    unionofwarfare polycounter lvl 11
    Hey Sacboi, thanks for the feedback. i had noticed something was off with the texture but could not figure out what. i plan on fixing these issues once i get more familiar with Substance painter.

  • lluc21
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    lluc21 polycounter lvl 6
    Ended up looking great! As sacboi said, I don't think the paint reads too well. The peeling and scratches should be more in the roughness channel and less in the Normal. Also, one thing I noticed (and honestly, it is an issue I have with my models too) is that the inner wheel is not modeled and some gaps are not completely closed (i.e front grille). It is an issue on its own, as you can see the inner part of the wheel without the need of looking at the underside, but the fact that you made an underside makes it weirder because then you are supposed to actually look under.

    I'd say that for the amount of work that you've already put in this you should definitely go the extra mile and model the front and rear lights, as well as a simple mesh that you can see through the front grille.

  • unionofwarfare
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    unionofwarfare polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for the input lluc21. i had modelled the inside of the wheel rim in the high poly but to save texture space i deleted the inner faces to the rims and substance painter and marmoset cull the inverse side of the normals which is why it looks like there is no inner wheel which i forgot. i had planned to have the model on Sketchfab which is the reason i created the underside of the car but the mesh quickly became too high poly so i decided against doing so. thanks again for the feedback and ill look to adding the things you suggested.

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