There are a lot of Indie Games some are popular some aren't but i never saw a really popular Horror Game made by 1 single person all the big games which are made by 1 Person are either stylized or survival but why is that so ? Is that because it isn't profitabel for the future because people play games to escape and relax or why ? i hope you know the answer and write it down
Thank you for your time.
Honestly, if you have the time and resources to do it then you might as well have a go. Even if it doesn't make you a millionaire the fact you pushed a game through a full production cycle would count massively in your favour in terms of experience.
It could well make the difference between being hired as a graduate or a full artist if I was doing the hiring and that's a few grand a year difference.
Disclaimer.. I mostly hire material and technical artists so fuck knows what other disciplines see as important