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I want to retopology the thorns.

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taki39 node
I made thorns with zbrush.
There are a lot of thorns.
I want to re-topology to develop UV.
I used zremesher.
The thorns will collapse.

Available software

How can I succeed in retopology?


  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Zbrush decimation is the most likely to work . You will probably have to mask it though
  • taki39
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    taki39 node

    Thank you for your reply.
     I will try Decimation Master.

     [You will probably have to mask it though]
    Does it mean to mask only the tips of the spines?

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
     I imagine if you mask by curvature you'll be able to maintain the points and bases of the thorns
  • taki39
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    taki39 node
    Thank you for your reply.

     [I imagine if you mask by curvature you'll be able to maintain the points and bases of the thorns]

    is curve this mask?

  • taki39
    Offline / Send Message
    taki39 node

    I used a mask curve.
     I am currently using a mask.
     Should I use Decimation Master in this state?

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Not that.

    I'm not that familiar with zbrush anymore but I believe you can mask by mesh curvature or tension.
    What you're looking for is to have the point and the base of the thorns masked so that the decimation leaves them as they sre
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    under tools > masking

    lots of buttons there you can just push and see immediate feedback

    also handy thing in zbrush is hold CTRL while hover over the button and it gives info
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Decimation in zB calculates surfaces with more detail and tries to keep that detail by only (or more heavily) decimating parts where it can reduce resolution easily like flatter surfaces. Getting the most out of that feature you have to decimate in stages. first 20%, then 10%, 5%, 2%, 1% . You just decimate as far as you can using the undo slider to step back when your mesh goes boing.
  • taki39
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    taki39 node
    Alex Javor

    Thank you for your advice!

     I made a thorn with Sculptris Pro and Snake Hook.

    I challenged the masking you taught me.

    I couldn't make an accurate mask...

    I was able to reduce polygons with Decimation Master.

    Do you have any problems with triangular polygons?
    Is it not necessary to make it a square polygon?

    The purpose is a creature used for concept art.
    There are no plans to move it in the game.

    I have MAYA and Blender.
    Is it the easiest retopology Decimation Master?
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