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Substance Painter: Problem with UV replace

polycounter lvl 8
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Gikkio polycounter lvl 8

I'm doing a project with multiple texture sets.
I realized that a mesh has the wrong UVs, I unwrapped badly but I realized it very late, when the project is almost at the end of the main paint.

I then performed the mesh change.
emnu EDIT ----- PROJECT CONFIGURATION ---- select the new mesh, preserve uv.

The operation is successful, but when SUB P. imports the new mesh I have 2 problems.
1) the textures do not match
2) ALL texture layers are dark and "locked" in the software.

What am I doing wrong?
thank you very much for the car I attach pictures


  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    You must have changed the texture set (material) names.

    In the Texture Set List, click the Settings dropdown, then Reassign Texture Sets
  • Gikkio
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    Gikkio polycounter lvl 8
    Thank you Alex, but i have some problem with this. 
    IF i click like you say, sub open this window, like this in pic. 
    The sets in left can't drag and drop, i can only press APPLY. if i press apply nothing change the sets are still not selectable .
     I'm sorry but I'm not understanding this procedure. Can't click on SCOCCA_basso or MATERIAL.001.... i don't known. 

    also i follow this link but can't make this. 

  • Eric Chadwick
    Hey... we have an Adobe Substance section. Moving this into there, from General Discussion. Hope this helps! 
  • Alex_J
    Offline / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    I'd just go through the instructions for that very slowly and carefully.

    Beyond that, if you just cant get it to work, only thing I can think to do is go back to old version of the painter project, put entire layer stack into a group and convert to smart material. Then can reuse that in new project with new mesh.
  • Gikkio
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    Gikkio polycounter lvl 8
    Thank for your help.
  • poopipe
    Online / Send Message
    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    silly question but...

    did you rebake all the maps after importing the mesh with new UVs? 

    cos you need to do that
  • Kanni3d
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    Kanni3d ngon master
    Keep in mind that any 2d painting (manual painting in UV/2d view) will just be reprojected onto your reimport with no respect to any uv changes... so it'll always look incorrect. The only non-destructive preservation aside from generators/masked layers etc, would be any work/strokes done in the 3d view.
  • poopipe
    Online / Send Message
    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    It just looks like the textures are applied to a different set of UV coordinates to me.  It's pretty difficult to work out whats going on in the file though tbh.  Do you need 50 texture sets?
  • Gikkio
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    Gikkio polycounter lvl 8
    poopipe said:
    silly question but...

    did you rebake all the maps after importing the mesh with new UVs? 

    cos you need to do that
    Yes i bake it for 2 tome , but nothing. 

    Kanni3d said:
    Keep in mind that any 2d painting (manual painting in UV/2d view) will just be reprojected onto your reimport with no respect to any uv changes... so it'll always look incorrect. The only non-destructive preservation aside from generators/masked layers etc, would be any work/strokes done in the 3d view.
    ok but the problem is that all liyer after, is still blocked after texture set reassignment. 

    poopipe said:
    It just looks like the textures are applied to a different set of UV coordinates to me.  It's pretty difficult to work out whats going on in the file though tbh.  Do you need 50 texture sets?

    I have a very complex object. there are many objects and this question makes me understand that I am not quite understanding how to prepare the mesh for import.
    I have read and followed all the tutorials, perhaps because spoken English is not my strong point, but I cannot understand.
    If I have a COMPLEX OBJECT, I cannot join it into a single mesh on Blender, because after unwrap it is impossible.

    - If I keep 2 meshes or more, with the same material (texture set on SP) in substance painter after the uvs overlap.

    - If I use a material (on blender) for each object that makes up the (for example) motor, the uvs are ok but I have a lot of texture set.

    I can't understand, because in the video of the course, it doesn't show how to prepare meshes for export, VERY VERY complex.
    I'm about to open a topic for this, you made me understand that I need info on this.
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