Hello, I am looking for someone who is interested in texturing the creature model visible in the pictures below. I'd need a diffuse texture, a normal map and a gloss map for each texture in the model, which is 4 textures total.
Below are some photos of the model:

The skin of this creature is supposed to be quite greasy and to be reflecting a lot of light. He should be showing signs of disease, namely in the form of some cancerous tumors showing through the skin, some black necrotic lesions and pus visible beneath the skin, and also some varicose veins. The skin is supposed to have a very sickly pale coloration, with some slight purple/blue thrown in. Overall the creature should look very defective, sickly and plauged by all sorts of biological issues.
This creature model has commonalities with another creature model, which is the prior phase of this creature's development, and is meant to show some features which should be common between the two, namely the thing grown into the chest:

I'd also need a texture with translucency to add some "pubic" hairs to the rim of the thing on it's stomach.
The textures should be about 1024x1024 in resolution, more than that is not needed, and I need clean UV maps. The UVs are already correctly done, only the textures themselves are required.
I'm setting the initial price at 40$, but we can negotiate the price.