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Guide to Game Art Applications - Part 2 - CVs and Cover Letters

polycounter lvl 5
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kierangoodson polycounter lvl 5

Guide to Game Art Applications

I recently celebrated my first anniversary in games and I've been reminiscing about my pre-industry days. I remember the struggles of casting out job applications and the rush of getting bites back from studios. It was difficult to get any form of feedback after applying and responses were hard to come by. Being ghosted by studios was the worst feeling in the world. It took me 11 months of applications and portfolio building to get a job.

So I can still empathise a lot when students and grads message me every week asking for CV, portfolio and job application advice. 

Due to this, I'm always giving out the same feedback over and over again.

Today I’m continuing on the three-part guide for anyone preparing job applications within the games industry, particularly for those at entry-level. You can check it out here:



Kieran Goodson -  Junior Environment Artist at Rebellion | Portfolio Twitter Instagram LinkedIn | Discord: AnHourOfWolves#9100


  • poopipe
    Offline / Send Message
    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    I like the misspelling on the example CV 

    This is all good advice - especially about the comedy skill graphs
  • kierangoodson
    Offline / Send Message
    kierangoodson polycounter lvl 5
    It's just an example I grabbed from google of good layout but thanks for checking out the blog
  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter
    You've collated an informative 'template' there, CV/Resume layout coupled with the proviso of submitting a cover letter is pretty much standard these days, regardless of profession. Although for those with a long varied career spread across diverse industries, having too tailor and/or 'squeeze' their acquired expertise into a two page pdf file can be a bothersome chore but all the same doable, if a strong enough incentive is there to 'snag' that sought after fulltime gig  : P

    I'll also keep an eye out for your next installment.    
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