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BSP block out to final result workflow

polycounter lvl 3
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orangesky polycounter lvl 3
Hi all!

I understand that the usual workflow in UE4 when creating a level is as follows:

1-Search references
2-Create a design on paper or with software.
3-Blockout the entire level, iterate until the result is what you were looking for.
4-Model with a 3D software (Blender, Maya ...) the models to replace the BSP.

My question is this:

When I have all the blockout built in UE4, how do I model the final 3D models in Blender or Maya while maintaining the proportions of the objects made in bockout?

Thank you so much for your attention.

I have spent hours looking for a little information about this, but it seems that in all places these details are skipped.


  • fangazza
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    fangazza polycounter lvl 10
    If I remember well, you can select your BSPs and click on "Convert to Static Mesh > Export Static Mesh". 
  • orangesky
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    orangesky polycounter lvl 3
    fangazza said:
    If I remember well, you can select your BSPs and click on "Convert to Static Mesh > Export Static Mesh". 
    Thanks for answering!

    So is this the workflow that is used in most of the industry?
    Export from the graphics engine to 3D modeling software?
  • zachagreg
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    zachagreg ngon master
    So after block out and design refinement you usually want to start getting in the actual rough visualizations of your assets. This will usually focus on your environment and architecture kits. You want to think big to small. Start roughing in your modular kit that you intend to use across the entire level. I wouldn't worry too much about grid snapping at this juncture because pieces will change and you'll have to redo all of that snapping anyway.

    So you focus on creating assets that are closer to the end product and the largest and most used ones will give you the best bang for your buck. Once those are in you can actually begin creating the first real art pass and getting in some highpoly bakes,tiling materials, trim sheets, and other assets that will be used to do broad strokes.

    After that stage comes further refinement and smaller props to set dress your level. Lighting is important to be touched up from the initial during the block out and first art pass. Sometimes your lighting will need adjustments based upon your color schemes but keep it simple until polish. After your smaller props, set dressing and what not has been done then you focus on polish this is things that will really give that extra oomph to certain areas. 

    As far as your list goes 4 is very important, you want to be in block out to nail design and level play then I would break up 5 into the different art passes say 1-3 depending on the scope but more accurately probably and initial and final. Take note though that these take probably the most time since it's pure asset creation and placement.

    Step 5 should be broken into a couple as well like I said you want to use your blockout to establish the broad strokes, this includes a lighting pass. Then another after the initial art pass because your silhouettes will completely change so you want to refine the lighting to accompany that change. Then when you're doing your set dressing and polish you will find areas again that will need touch up in lighting. I hope this helps.
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