I am a GoldSrc mod developer looking for someone who is willing to model a highly detailed experimental weapon for the mod I am working on. The main inspiration for this weapon is the Akira laser rifle, with bits of the Displacer from Opposing Force added in, as well as the Hyperblaster from Quake 4.
As I said, I would need a detailed mesh(can be over 10k polies), and true-color 24-bit textures, as well as a normal map and gloss/specular map, each separately. I'm attaching a picture to this thread, which shows some basic concept art from the side, and from a 3D perspective.

The basic concept is the following: This gun, upon pulling the trigger, superheats uranium pellets that are loaded at the back of the gun in a rotating-type magazine holder. Then a series of magnetic coils propel the superheated plasma through the barrel of the gun at supersonic speeds.
The front of the gun has two cooling mechanisms at the front of the barrel, on the top and the bottom, which open up after firing and pump air through the gun's barrel. There is a handle on the side which is meant to help hold the gun, and would look much like the handle for the Displacer. Next to this is a display screen which shows the internal state, power level and munition level of the gun. Below this screen is a series of controls and an on/off switch. There are several visible cables which can be seen on the drawings, below the front half of the barrel of the gun.
The magazine is located at the back of the weapon as said before, and houses a magazine which holds the uranium pellets that are loaded into the barrel upon firing. The magazine area has a top flap which is meant to rotate upwards and allow for ejecting the magazine, and loading a new one.
The power source of the gun is a car-battery sized package that the user carries on a laptop-bag-like belt on their sides.
I know I haven't provided more perspective views of the gun, but looking at the Akira laser rifle shuld help fill in the gaps. The color is mainly black with some lighter tones on the barrel of the gun perhaps. The wiring would mostly be red, and the display screen shout scream nineties, which is when the story is set.
I've set the initial price at around 80$, but I am flexible.
Thank you.