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Simulate cloth folds in MD or hand sculpt folds?

polycounter lvl 5
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focus_method polycounter lvl 5
ok, so speaking for production creation and in order to get hired by potential client or a company could you explain
is it important (and if is why it is important) to know how to sculpt cloth folds manually by hand on a character clothes or it is totally fine if using strictly only marvelous designer to simulate it ?

thanx in advance


  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    MD to make the base, touch it up in zbrush.

    there is a few things that are easier to do by hand, like tension folds on something tight like a leather suit. But 90% of time you get most of it done in MD and do small refinements in Zbrush so you aren't spending forever fiddling in MD.
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