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3D scanning/Photogrammetry- How to clean a "mess of (not just) floating "garbage" points"?

polycounter lvl 9
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Jonathan85 polycounter lvl 9
In 3D scanning/photogrammetry, In Agisoft metashape (photoscan), is there a way how to clean a mess of (not just) floating points? After generating dense point cloud you get a lot of "mess points" (pictures below) - some are floating, some are "connected" to the main shape... These are "garbage points", is there some "automated" solution/feature of how to get rid of them...? Sure i do it by hand but it costs a lot of time... Any feature/worfklow/function in agisoft how to get rid of them quickly/automaticaly...? (at least partially)...?
If agisoft doesnt have such feature (in which version?) is there some other software that can clean this easily?



  • poopipe
    Offline / Send Message
    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Meshlab probably has something - its a pretty standard process in statistical analysis to discard outlying/weird data points  
  • Yerus
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    Yerus polycounter lvl 5
    Reality Capture
  • Jonathan85
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    Jonathan85 polycounter lvl 9
    Yerus said:
    Reality Capture

    Does reality capture has some GOOD cleaning built-in tools?
    Can one export the points from agisoft to reality and then back?
  • Jonathan85
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    Jonathan85 polycounter lvl 9
    poopipe said:
    Meshlab probably has something - its a pretty standard process in statistical analysis to discard outlying/weird data points  
    Well... "PROBABLY" doesnt cut it :-), i know about meshlab... i know it SHOULD have some tools like this, but i too, as you, am not sure if its true and if it could really help with this... (and i dont wantto learn new software if i dont know if it will be usefull for me...)

    Could someone confirm that meshlab can help with this specific issue? Or even say the name of the feature in meshlab that would help with this (or even tutorial link)?


  • poopipe
    Offline / Send Message
    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Meshlab is free and has plenty of people developing tools for it,  I'd suggest grabbing it and hitting Google for an hour. 
    You'll get answers quicker than waiting for someone to post on here
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