Spec : mesh res – 20K Target Count – 2019 shapes Joint Count – 350 with this new rig I was trying to preserve legacy workflow (channel box attributes) at the same time introducing face controls(both have pros/cons). its achieved with proxy attributes/alias attributes. 2/
wow. I dont really understand what he is saying in the tweet about how the rig is learning where muscles are or something? Is it some sort of logic that is reading where repeated deformation is or something?
Sounds like the next iteration of this tool that uses machine learning to figure out skin deformations based on blendshapes, real real real cool stuff. https://vimeo.com/238190856
Hans Godard posted this two years ago and while it looks great, the joint placements weren't so much. Seeing much smarter placement in their current system so they can use it for more than canned animations. I would buy this plugin in an instant.
Ah yes, that name rings a bell. Didn't he try to release some tool to convert blendshapes into bone animation sometime after UC4 but was shut down by his employer? I was assuming that the cloth animation they have in the game was done with that kind of method.
I'm loving this new AI-or-whatever-computed lip sync tech. I first heard of it being used with FFVIIR. It's quite jarring with today's amazing visuals when a person's mouth moves clearly being synced to another language (Ghost of Tsushima y u no japanese lip sync ). This sort of thing is a big necessity.
The idea of having pre-set emotions and being able to flip them on/off for any dialogue is genius!
Offtopic here but, I'd love to be told how and why I'm wrong: the way the arm's bending here seems a little off imo..
Hans Godard posted this two years ago and while it looks great, the joint placements weren't so much. Seeing much smarter placement in their current system so they can use it for more than canned animations. I would buy this plugin in an instant.
The idea of having pre-set emotions and being able to flip them on/off for any dialogue is genius!
Offtopic here but, I'd love to be told how and why I'm wrong: the way the arm's bending here seems a little off imo..