Hey, during Quarantine I updated my Showreel and Portfolio with some new pieces, and just wanted to get some opinions and critiques of how they look so far.
I'm trying to become a professional Environment Artist for the video game industry so any suggestions on how to improve my chances of getting into an entry level position would be appreciated, thanks for any suggestions.
It may be the dumbest of things I could point out but somehow the Substance logo (the red S is more on the bottom left than in the center) in your showreel is not as centered as the other logos are. I personally would change that.
You showed improvment on your work on Artstation - good job!
Maybe remove some of your older work because they are not as strong as your newer work.
The office scene has some rather strange lighting that comes in through these curtain thingies (I am really sorry but I do not know how they are called
Maybe add some breakdown shots or wireframe models. Show that you know how to model and texture efficiently!
Hope that helps!
Also now that you point it out the Substance painter S not being centered with the rest of the logos does look off, it's a simple fix thankfully, getting wireframes to be clear in unreal can be a struggle but I should be able to transfer the scenes over to 3DS Max and get some good shots that way.
updated my showreel, I fixed the Substance Painter logo to center it with the rest, I've added some more wireframes showing the scenes and assets as well as a breakdown showing the development of the forest scene
I went through your Artstation. I liked the variety of the work you did.
For now I would like to share these articles you can read.
One thing you can do is picking some that you like the most and think are good.
polishing them more and hiding the weak ones or old ones.
If you look at some inspiration like the art style and quality you want to achieve.
It can be any game you like or even artwork and trying to achieve the quality.
That will help a lot, Feel free to ask if you have any specific question.
Trying to replicate the feel of an existing style will definitely help for my next work as well
added a trail of blood in the train to give it a bit more visual story telling, it's a pretty basic thing to add story but think it should work.
the error message thing is something I knew about from before but just forgot to fix a while ago, thanks.
the not putting videos first thing definitely makes sense in retrospect, don't know why I didn't realize it thanks, I also made the changes to show off the 3 different aspects in one image thing like you said. removed some of the old weaker projects you suggested as well.
Seriously thanks man, your suggestions have been a big help, still need a bit of time to work on a few of them but they've made a big improvement.