Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

A collection of my work - critiques valued!

polycounter lvl 5
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toxicsludge77 polycounter lvl 5
Hi everyone!

Here's some of my stuff I have been working on lately. As for a lot of people, I'm trying to break into the games industry but feel my work isn't anywhere NEAR good enough yet, so I'll just keep practicing. I'm planning to work on some environments soon, once I can get over my self-imposed fear of failure.

If anyone would like to offer any critiques, I'd be happy to take them onboard for future projects!

Thanks for looking!


  • SeekeroflLight
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    SeekeroflLight polycounter lvl 4
    Hey, I think the weapons and the crate are looking good. I do believe the twisty knife is probably the weaker to them. It just the wrap around the handle that throws me off. The wrap around the katana looks really good. The tentacle scene is a cool idea. I think to help push it would be to work on the texture on the tentacles; they are a bit shiny and try to match the flame color/hue to the greenish light being emitted.  Keep at it,  I'm still practicing too.
  • toxicsludge77
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    toxicsludge77 polycounter lvl 5
    Yeah I agree that the wrap is not the best on the twisted knife. Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it!
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