Hi! I'd like to share my latest work i did to step up my hard surface and texturing skills, an AKS designed to beign used in a current gen FPS game.

I made the high poly in Maya and sculpted some smaller details like the ID numbers in Zbrush, Low poly and Uvs are made in Maya too. I then baked all the maps in Marmoset and textured everything inside Substance Painter.

I'd really like to give a huge twist to my portfolio and possibly have a chance to join the industry by the end of this year, so any form of criticism is really higly appreciated.
More pictures and Marmoset view:
You took some liberties as far as accuracy, the biggest one is the upper receiver. The longitudinal half cylinder thingy is bigger in reality and it fades in the rest of the shape, not end abruptly on the sides. The perpendicular ridges are way more pronounced and there are some longitudinal ridges also.
(I know its from an airsoft gun but its still pretty close to the real one)
There are some shading issues like the fact that the front side of the magazine is flat in reality, yours is curved. Same goes for the side of the pistol grip.
The material definition needs some work, especially the metal wich is very much the same on all parts of your gun. Edge wear is consistent and in places that it shouldnt be. Also, add some variation to the roughness.
Keep at it!
Edit: can you post some wires, im curious about the topology.
Looking at the model after a couple days I totally agree about how the textures looks. I'm going to rework them to add some more details and fix some incoherences.
You can check the topology trough the marmoset viewer here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/v2A8x6
@Zi0 Has i explained before, i tought it was okay to mix and match a bit and i took some freedom during the modeling, rookie mistake, im going to be more carefull next time. Could you elaborate further on which parts of the rifle looks out of proportion?
Having said that, i've seen a lot of games that dont put focus on accuracy, even those that are simulators or pretend to be one. But they still try to have a decent representation for the real thing and, as i said, that takes some googling up tons of references.
There are loads of threads on this forum of ppl just going crazy with the details, doing the inner parts of guns, making sure they understand how the thing works, and so on. Im not saying you shoud do that, just saying that its a lot of work...