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3DS Max Mirror-Skinning Problem

polycounter lvl 2
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Silverthunder polycounter lvl 2
Sorry to bug everyone with another question! I really appreciate the help and input though. 

A rather frustrating problem... two bones in particular seem to be linked in such a way that when mirroring, the weights of the bone on the left side controls the weights mirrored to the right. I'm not entirely sure how to explain it better, but the pinkie bone seems to be flagged as like a middle bone? Is there any way to change this when skin-mirroring?

The pinkie bone is not selected. Yet on both sides it's designated as red like the center bones. I'm not sure how the connection works, but is there any way to break it so I can mirror again without the left pinkie controlling the skin on the right pinkie? I've never had a problem like this before, and I can't seem to find any solutions, but... that could just be because of my terrible description... 


  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    Hi @Silverthunder

    Try increasing the mirror threshold until the pinky bones turns blue or green. But don’t go too high, just high enough for it to change.

    I wish you could manually flag the left and right bones, but it goes strictly off position. If you inspect you’ll probably see the bones are off by a value greater than the mirror threshold.

    Other things to try...
    If they are the same position (just negative x), then in go to your bind pose frame and uncheck “Always Deform” and then check it again. This “reboots” the skin and the mirrored bones should be paired again.

    If that doesn’t work, you may need to save your weighting, reset xforms, and then apply your weighting again. You can save and load in the advanced parameters rollout.

    If that doesn’t work, just select the verts for both hands and use Voxel binding. I find that voxel binding works really well on hands, but really bad on heads.
  • Silverthunder
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    Silverthunder polycounter lvl 2

    Ooof- such a fool I am. I must have been looking at the wrong coords when I checked position... so simple... yet so frustrating! Thanks a million! This is my first real in depth skinning and rigging attempt, so I think I'm just overthinking a lot of this stuff. Thanks for the help! I wasn't really sure how the the mirroring worked to be quite honest, but definitely good to know for troubleshooting next time!
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