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AlienChamberRuins(WIP) Update02

What's up guys, how's it going?

A level update follows.

- On these exteriors, I created a more concise city, added a fog to start imagining the effect of distance and atmosphere.

In this angle, which is one of my favorites, Thiago gave me a tip to add an ocean to the distance, I removed some elements to make it cleaner and the portal to be in evidence.

I adjusted and created a clearer idea of this area, which will be a kind of chamber, replaced the circular shapes and retained the angles of 90 degrees, and added more movement to the structures, trying to direct the view more towards the center, to show more artifact. in the scene.

I created this view that shows more of the antechamber and shows the horizon.

I hope you are enjoying it, constructive feedbacks will always be welcome, soon more updates, thanks guys.\o

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