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Sword of the White Knight (W.I.P.)


I just got back into 3D modeling after not having touched it in years(last time was 2017, and I had just barely started learning before I was interrupted by life itself, ended up working different outdoorsy jobs from then till now.) Due to quarantine, I had free time to get into 3D again and made a few models, here's one of them. The only thing I don't like is that the "emission" of the new engine is weird, I liked the way emission could be done in the now removed Blender Render Internal. For example, it might just be my lack of skill with the new system, but I wanted the gradient glow effect(going from color at outer edge to white in center) I somehow got on the lightsaber of this fairy back in 2017.

More White Knight sword pics, I'm not really liking how bland emission is now in it's base form, I tried messing around with nodes, but could not achieve the effect of the previous. I'm still learning, but if anybody could show me, that'd be awesome.



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