Hey everyone,
I just re-watched the Fargo series and was inspired to create a character that would fit in the show. Heavily inspired by season 3's Gloria Burgle (
Eden Valley Police). This is my first time creating a female character so I decided to start with a head model from 3D scan store before sculpting. I am using the likeness of the actress though I'm creating a unique character.
Clothing done in Marvelous Designer, I still need to add all the zippers/buttons/badges as well as define folds/creases in Zbrush.

Her gear currently is 17k Tris, I still need to add the shoulder walkie talkie with the coil.

A small portion of references I used.

I'd appreciate any crit.
Next I'm going to add the other gear/accessories she is missing, mainly the buttons and zippers on the clothing as well as the shoulder walkie talkie.
The triangle count is currently 119k which will increase once I create the hair. I couldn't find a good way to optimise the zips without losing the the detail, they are 23k tris on their own
What's your plan for the hair?
My hair workflow is using X-gen to create and bake the hair strands, then manually placing the cards using Maya.
Hair currently is 1.7k triangles
6.8k Triangles
Ashervisalis I actually have a friend creating a snow environment in UE4, if I can get the material/shaders looking good I will place her in a snowy crime scene. Perhaps a dead body in the snow, classic Fargo.
jose.fuentes I will need to add a couple more cards to fix the silhouette, but flyaways are next on my list along with eyelashes.
It's perfectly round now but it should be more elongated, with two or three peaks:
For placement, as a rule of thumb the brunt of it'll extend vertically down to roughly jaw height or a bit lower and the outer peaks will be just outside the trapezius, closely following its outline.